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And Teacher Beau Gustafson



I have been teaching and cultivating Qigong, Tai Chi, and many other arts since 1987 with my teacher Sifu John Fey. Since then, I have stood in wonder at the doors that open within my own life on a daily basis. I still feel the same joy as I did when I first began my journey.


There are so many helpful tools to be found in the movements and visualizations of New Forest® Qigong that I have often wished that everyone could have the opportunity to slow down and play within the New Forest. In its own way, it makes the world a better place. The problem has always been a matter of time and proximity. I have had hundreds of conversations with people that either could not take the time to come to class or they lived in other cities and countries. is my effort to give others this opportunity of exploration, cultivation, and wonder at being alive.


All it takes is a little time and effort. That part is up to you. However, each course will be designed for you to explore on your own for years to come. I have designed and will be developing more courses to explore as the months and years unfold. So stay tuned.


Many Arts do not lend themselves to be learned online.  New Forest® is the exception. It has been designed so that anyone can access the information. Complex things are lots of simple things strung together. The New Forest@ Paradigm was intended to explain not only how to play the simple parts but also how to string them together to form symphonies of human expression.

So enjoy, and I hope your journey into these arts leads you to doors that you just can't wait to walk through. 

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